having the job or duty of dealing with sb/sth, so that it is your fault if sth goes wrong 有责任的;应负责的;承担义务的◆He was responsible for the day-to-day management of the bank. 他负责银行的日常管理工作。◆Mike is ultimately responsible if things go wrong. 事情若有差错,迈克负最终责任。➡ see note at responsibility
responsible to sbto have to report to sb/sth with authority or sb that you work for and explain to them what you have done (向主管者或上级)承担责任◆As chief executive he is responsible to the shareholders. 作为总裁,他向股东负责。
[] a responsible job or position is an important one that needs sb that you can trust and rely on 可信任的;可信赖的;可靠的◆Good students expect to have responsible positions in industry as soon as they graduate. 优秀学生一毕业就期望在行业中谋到重要职位。