[, ] ( redundancies) () () a situation when a person loses their job because there is no more work available for them; jobs lost in this way (因劳动力过剩而造成的)裁员,解雇◆Thousands of factory workers are facing redundancy in the New Year. 新年期间数千名工厂工人面临裁员。◆Workers will be offered €5 000 to take voluntary redundancy. 自愿离职的工人将可以拿到 5 000 欧元。◆There could be as many as 32 000 redundancies, 16% of the workforce. 解雇人数可能多达 32 000 人,占全体员工的 16%。◆The employees are entitled to redundancy payments. 雇员有权得到裁员补偿。◆200 workers have been issued with redundancy notices. 200 名工人收到了解雇通知。➡lay-off ⨁to announce / avoid / make redundancies 宣布/避免/进行裁员⨁to accept / face / take redundancy 同意/面临/接受裁员⨁compulsory / forced / involuntary / voluntary redundancy/redundancies 强制/强迫/非自愿/自愿裁员⨁large-scale / mass / sweeping redundancies 大规模/大批/全面裁员collective redundancy