( ˈcall ˌfeature) a section (clause) in a bond contract that allows the seller to buy the bond back early (债券)提前赎回条款◆Most corporate bonds have a call provision. 大部分公司债券附有提前赎回条款。◆The issuing company can usually exercise the call provision at any time after a specified date. 债券发行公司通常在指定日期後随时可行使提前赎回条款规定的权利。
part of an arrangement for a loan that allows the bank to demand full payment early if payments have not been made, or if a business has not achieved the results it expected 提前收回贷款条款(银行贷款时附有的条款,如果借款人不还款或企业没达到预期业绩,银行可提前收回全部贷款)