(BrEˌpass-ˈon) used to describe people who read a newspaper or magazine after the person who has bought it (报纸、杂志)传阅的◆Advertisers like this magazine because of the pass-along factor (= the number of extra people who read each copy). 广告商喜欢这本杂志的原因在於其被广为传阅。◆pass-on readership 传阅读者
used to describe people who pass on an email message or a computer file (电子邮件或计算机文件)转发的◆The pass-along rate for an e-zine is much greater than for a web page. 电子杂志的转发率要远远高於网页的转发率。
➡pass sth along at pass verb, pass sth on at pass verb