() spending or borrowing more money than you can manage without risking problems 开支过大的;承担过大经济责任的◆Consumers are seriously overextended. 消费者的借贷严重超过他们的偿还能力。◆overextended borrowers 超过自己偿还能力的借款人
involved in more work or activities than you can manage 承担过多工作的◆Many company managers are severely overextended. 许多公司经理的工作严重超负荷。◆The firm found itself overextended and unable to supply all its orders. 这家企业发现自己负荷过重,无法供应其所有订货。
[] : ◆The group overextended itself by purchasing a publishing company. 这个集团过度扩张,购买了一家出版公司。