[] ( LFL) () used to describe figures that are adjusted to allow comparison with a similar period, excluding for example any new stores or businesses or any unusual activities (数据)同比的◆Warm weather helped trading in August, with like-for-like sales up 5.9%. 温暖的气候有助於八月份的交易,同比销售额增长 5.9%。◆Full-year like-for-like growth was 4.8%. 全年同比增长 4.8%。◆Operating profits fell 11.2 per cent on a like-for-like basis. 经营利润同比下降了 11.2%。➡same-store sales ⨁like-for-like figures / growth / revenues / sales 同比数字/增长/收入/销售额▸ˌlike-for-ˈlike
◆Sales grew by 1.7%, but fell by 1.5% like-for-like. 销售额增长了 1.7%,但同比下降了 1.5%。